25 October 2013

Devoted HQ

Hello and welcome from Devoted HQ,
Thought I would give you an update on how things are going.
  • I have a smashing logo - so I can brand all my work.
  • I have been speaking to other wedding suppliers and working on joint packages, collaborations and ideas for the future.
  • I have business cards and stickers on the way.
  • I have been to wedding fairs to see what my competition is doing - and can I say I am loving what they are doing. Couples have never had it so easy. The marketplace is full of wonderful, gifted, talented photographers - all they need to do is choose the style they like. It is a privilege to be working in amongst them.
  • I have prepared and designed some unique packaging for my brochures.
  • I have sourced sweetie giveaways to hand out when I finally get to exhibit at a wedding fair. And guess what? Yes - they are all heart shaped.
Heart shaped sweeties to hand out with promotional literature

  • I have been scouting and sourcing the organisers of wedding fairs.
  • I have instructed my printer to make my brochures.
  • I have a web designer who is currently creating a masterpiece of a website for my work.
  • I have set up an email account.
  • And as you are aware I have started my blog.
The best bit of news is that as soon as my business cards arrive and my brochure is ready, I have someone who wants to see it. They are getting married next year and are keen to use me. Fabulous - and a testament to the power of word-of-mouth networking.
Next on my list is to set up a twitter account, a facebook business page and sort out my linked in details. I am also going to investigate Pinterest - something I have never used but am keen to find out more about. 
Well that's it for today.
Have a good weekend - do not forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday.

. . . . . o 0 o . . . . .

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