08 October 2013

It's been a long time coming ...

I have finally bitten the bullet and have set-up a 'devoted' photography service offering wedding photography. I am currently at the business planning stage - but am finding this so exciting that I have decided to start blogging now to get the ball rolling.
I find nothing more exciting that planning and creating and this set-up stage is tremendously exciting for me.
First scary part was to think of a name - Devoted came to me when thinking about weddings and how devoted the bride and groom and equally their family and friends. Also running through my head was the Olivia Newton John song from 'Grease' ... hopelessly devoted to you. And there is was Devoted - Wedding Photography.
Next step was to find out if that name was already out there and what domain names were available to me. Having asked around everyone agreed that devotedweddingphotography (whilst accurate) was far to long to type in; that de-vot-ed was too weird and devoted had already gone. I am proud to say that I am now the owner of devotedphotography.co.uk.
Next step is to get a logo, a style, a colour, a brand. I have commissioned a graphic designer and that is being worked on this week. Have to say I cant wait. I gave a thorough and full brief about what I wanted and have high hopes on the gorgeousness that I will be presented with. One key graphic device that occurred to me (whilst eating some 'devine' chocolate) was to make the 'v' in devoted a heart shape. That heart shape can then be used as bullet points, as website heading markers, on small stickers in fact anywhere to reinforce the brand.

Chocolate with a heart
This week I am waiting for web designers to get back to me with costs on designing and developing the devoted wedding photography website. I see this as being developed in two stages and have asked for the costs to be shown separately. Whilst I am anxious to get stuck in I cannot throw money at it - it has to grow organically.

. . . o 0 o . . .

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