02 November 2013

All the pieces are coming together

Quick update from Devoted HQ ... my Devoted business cards have arrived; my heart stickers have arrived; my covers for my CD brochures have been printed and I found the right sort of ribbon.
All coming together

This week my task is to create the movie that I will put onto the CDs that go into the CD brochures, and also create a design to print onto the CDs. These will then be ready to be handed out to interested parties. I already have a list of people who would like one.
The other thing to achieve next week - is to make space for all my devoted items in the office. I have a cunning plan for a very crowded shelf and if I can beg steal or borrow a couple of boxes, or crates, I will be able to achieve what I want.
All so very exciting.


. . . o 0 o . . .

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