13 February 2014

Wills, Pre-nups and Money

I was at my solicitors the other day and whilst I was sitting in the waiting room I began thinking about what legal services I might need to tell brides-to-be about. Now I'm no legal beagle so when I went in to talk to my solicitor I asked about services they might provide that you might need to think about ...
This is what I learnt ...
When getting married think about:
Making a new Will
Any existing Will that you have will be revoked by your marriage so make sure you make a new one. Your new spouse will become your next of kin if you were to die without a valid Will, so if you want to leave assets to anyone else make sure these wishes are put into a Will.
Do you have significant assets that you may wish to protect? You may need to consider a prenuptial agreement. 
Changing your name
How do you legally change your name after marriage, do you need a Change of Name Deed.
Legalities of the day
Make sure you have written contracts with all vendors and suppliers you employ for your wedding day. And make sure you consider taking out liability insurance. Some venues ask you to sign something waving them of liability if any accidents happen at your wedding – think about taking out liability insurance yourself because accidents do happen.
Wills, Finances, Name Changing - speak to a solicitor
The lovely people at Edward, Hands & Lewis are very easy to talk to and give clear advice that is understandable and make sure everything they do is in your best interests. So if any of the areas I've mentioned above are things you need to consider before your big day then get in touch with them - they have offices in Loughborough, Leicester and Market Harborough.
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