29 December 2013

Announcement coming

Next step for Devoted Wedding Photography comes on 2nd January - but in the meantime here's a sneaky peek ... 

Devoted Wedding photography website is almost ready.

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09 December 2013

Another glorious bokeh experiment

At the weekend I was doing a job for a very good client of mine and I got the chance to try out another idea for my heart shaped bokeh idea. Here is the glorious result:

Loving the heart bokeh

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02 December 2013

Update from Devoted HQ

In this world of mobile technology I can actually update you but not be at HQ - how cool is that?
So an update then - well a lot has been happening...
CD Brochure:
It's now ready and already half a dozen have been prepared and handed out. I have also found the perfect sized envelope for them to fit in if I ever need to post one. They are looking good and I cant wait until I launch to get loads ready to fly. They will look great all sitting together.
Wedding Fairs:
Have visited quite a few now finding out what the competition is doing and also what they are all about. I have to say that I found them to be quite poorly attended (unless they were at a tremendously prestigious venue). I am beginning to feel that I do not want to waste my money using them as a means of getting my offer in front of Brides.
Business Cards:
50 have been printed and I am rapidly getting through them and can see I will be ordering more before too long and I think I need to add my twitter and Facebook details for devoted on there as well.
Trying to open a  new business bank account but am struggling to get my chosen bank to actually set up an account. I have visited twice and have been sent three copies of the same 'setting up an account' booklet - but still I have no new account. I will try another bank.
I met with a rep from Pure Wedding World and have decided that I would like to join the and become one of their preferred suppliers. I like the idea of them being - what in effect is - an agent for me. Finding brides and pointing them my way. They also offer a guarantee - something I cannot get from a wedding fair. I believe my money is best spent in this direction - more info will follow as this develops and evolves.
The Devoted website is underway - I need to do lots of work getting images and words on there. In the meantime there is a holding page. I should have it ready for the New Year launch - but I am sure it will be live before then.
Presentation Book:
Over the last few weeks I have been developing my skills and learning the techniques to make hard back books. My idea is when I hand over images to the newly weds that their CD is presented in a unique way - snuggled up in a book with key images from their wedding on the pages. I am almost there with my ideas and over the weekend took receipt of some double sided paper. This week I shall make another mock-up of the idea and see if I am happy with it.

Am loving developing this idea

Well that's it for now - and having written it all down I can now see that I have done quite a bit of work.

Note to self: Always best to do these updates from HQ computer :-)

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Blooming computers

I had written a frankly spiffing update for you on Sunday - but the computer I was using crashed moments before I hit the 'publish' button. grrrr
Ah well - I shall endeavour to do the update later this afternoon.

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24 November 2013

Bokeh experiment continues

Have been experimenting again with the 'bokeh' idea and tonight's firework display to celebrate the Christmas light switch on was an ideal opportunity. 

The multi-colour and multi-points of light were perfect and I am delighted with some of the results. 

Love the bokeh

Next step is to have this type of set up but with a person in the foreground. Will try very soon once I get my fairy lights checked out. 

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08 November 2013

Twitter and Facebook

I have really got the bit between my teeth today and have set up a Devoted Twitter account and a Devoted Photography Facebook page:
Facebook Page for Devoted

Twitter account for @PhotoDevoted
On Monday I am off for some training on being more strategic with social media - so in preparation I decided to get the pages and accounts open ready for me to start them off and running with all the information I shall be learning.
Please join me  
Facebook      and      Twitter

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02 November 2013

All the pieces are coming together

Quick update from Devoted HQ ... my Devoted business cards have arrived; my heart stickers have arrived; my covers for my CD brochures have been printed and I found the right sort of ribbon.
All coming together

This week my task is to create the movie that I will put onto the CDs that go into the CD brochures, and also create a design to print onto the CDs. These will then be ready to be handed out to interested parties. I already have a list of people who would like one.
The other thing to achieve next week - is to make space for all my devoted items in the office. I have a cunning plan for a very crowded shelf and if I can beg steal or borrow a couple of boxes, or crates, I will be able to achieve what I want.
All so very exciting.


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25 October 2013

Devoted HQ

Hello and welcome from Devoted HQ,
Thought I would give you an update on how things are going.
  • I have a smashing logo - so I can brand all my work.
  • I have been speaking to other wedding suppliers and working on joint packages, collaborations and ideas for the future.
  • I have business cards and stickers on the way.
  • I have been to wedding fairs to see what my competition is doing - and can I say I am loving what they are doing. Couples have never had it so easy. The marketplace is full of wonderful, gifted, talented photographers - all they need to do is choose the style they like. It is a privilege to be working in amongst them.
  • I have prepared and designed some unique packaging for my brochures.
  • I have sourced sweetie giveaways to hand out when I finally get to exhibit at a wedding fair. And guess what? Yes - they are all heart shaped.
Heart shaped sweeties to hand out with promotional literature

  • I have been scouting and sourcing the organisers of wedding fairs.
  • I have instructed my printer to make my brochures.
  • I have a web designer who is currently creating a masterpiece of a website for my work.
  • I have set up an email account.
  • And as you are aware I have started my blog.
The best bit of news is that as soon as my business cards arrive and my brochure is ready, I have someone who wants to see it. They are getting married next year and are keen to use me. Fabulous - and a testament to the power of word-of-mouth networking.
Next on my list is to set up a twitter account, a facebook business page and sort out my linked in details. I am also going to investigate Pinterest - something I have never used but am keen to find out more about. 
Well that's it for today.
Have a good weekend - do not forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday.

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23 October 2013

Cup of tea anyone?

Made myself a delicious cup of Lady Grey this morning and look what I found ...

Hearts everywhere

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20 October 2013

Gardening hearts

Even doing mundane chores there are hearts to be found. Spent half an hour clearing the drive of leaves and found this little beauty. I was hoping to find a red leaf, but compromised on this and put it onto red brick. Love everywhere. 

Leaf heart

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19 October 2013

Hearts are everywhere

Loving the chance to experiment and develop new ideas and skills. Have been looking at ways to love-up my images - hearts are always good for that. 

I have developed a filter for my nifty fifty f1.8 lens - don't think it's quite right yet but that's what experimenting is all about - then I've been shuffling around in the loft to find the fairy lights and draped them over the speaker. Loads of fun. I'll keep you posted on how this develops. 

Everyone loves a cup of tea

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17 October 2013

Banner and hearts

Ooo I've just created a new banner for this blog - look up.
Not sure I like it but at least it's a start. Branding is something I am keen on so everything I do will have the logo on it and if not applicable then definitely the burgundy heart. I'm having some stickers made of the heart - they will look great. Expect to see more hearts from now on.

Devoted heart
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CD Brochure

I have been thinking about how I get my message across about Devoted and what services it offers. Yep - I've been thinking about my marketing and how to get it into people's hands. I love the idea of handing over a CD/DVD with images and information on and encouraging interested couples to go and find out more on my website.
I have been having a week, or more, of Blue Peter moments with my scalpel and sticky-backed plastic. I think I have come up with something I like and that is different enough to get me noticed.
Now that I have a logo I have asked my graphic designer to put my CD brochure ideas into something that is sleeker and more accomplished. Today I had the first look at the designs for this brochure. I have not yet decided on paper weights and finishes yet so I will be visiting a printer to get my specification spot on before I ask two or three others to quote for printing these.

CD Brochure designs 

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A logo

It's beginning to come together - I now have a logo - and I love it.

Devoted finally exists and it feels real.


Designed by the talented Sarah Morely at Design for a Day

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08 October 2013

A bit plain and bland

I know this blog is looking a bit stark - but until I have a design/logo/brand/look then it has to be nice and clean and white. Once I have something I like I will get blogger, twitter and Facebook banners sorted. In the meantime I thought I would share something I created. This is an idea of what and how to present my images, on CD, to my bride and groom.

Recycled, Eco, Green packaging

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Business Plan

On Sunday it was a glorious day - but I decided that it was good time that could be spent working on my Business Plan for my new business. That's how Devoted I am. tee hee hee

Business Plan in the making

There is nothing better than the excitement at the beginning of a project. There is so much information, advice and guidance out there. And so many people have made books of their experience and progress. hmmm now there's an idea. naaaaah not my cup of tea.

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It's been a long time coming ...

I have finally bitten the bullet and have set-up a 'devoted' photography service offering wedding photography. I am currently at the business planning stage - but am finding this so exciting that I have decided to start blogging now to get the ball rolling.
I find nothing more exciting that planning and creating and this set-up stage is tremendously exciting for me.
First scary part was to think of a name - Devoted came to me when thinking about weddings and how devoted the bride and groom and equally their family and friends. Also running through my head was the Olivia Newton John song from 'Grease' ... hopelessly devoted to you. And there is was Devoted - Wedding Photography.
Next step was to find out if that name was already out there and what domain names were available to me. Having asked around everyone agreed that devotedweddingphotography (whilst accurate) was far to long to type in; that de-vot-ed was too weird and devoted had already gone. I am proud to say that I am now the owner of devotedphotography.co.uk.
Next step is to get a logo, a style, a colour, a brand. I have commissioned a graphic designer and that is being worked on this week. Have to say I cant wait. I gave a thorough and full brief about what I wanted and have high hopes on the gorgeousness that I will be presented with. One key graphic device that occurred to me (whilst eating some 'devine' chocolate) was to make the 'v' in devoted a heart shape. That heart shape can then be used as bullet points, as website heading markers, on small stickers in fact anywhere to reinforce the brand.

Chocolate with a heart
This week I am waiting for web designers to get back to me with costs on designing and developing the devoted wedding photography website. I see this as being developed in two stages and have asked for the costs to be shown separately. Whilst I am anxious to get stuck in I cannot throw money at it - it has to grow organically.

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