29 December 2013

Announcement coming

Next step for Devoted Wedding Photography comes on 2nd January - but in the meantime here's a sneaky peek ... 

Devoted Wedding photography website is almost ready.

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09 December 2013

Another glorious bokeh experiment

At the weekend I was doing a job for a very good client of mine and I got the chance to try out another idea for my heart shaped bokeh idea. Here is the glorious result:

Loving the heart bokeh

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02 December 2013

Update from Devoted HQ

In this world of mobile technology I can actually update you but not be at HQ - how cool is that?
So an update then - well a lot has been happening...
CD Brochure:
It's now ready and already half a dozen have been prepared and handed out. I have also found the perfect sized envelope for them to fit in if I ever need to post one. They are looking good and I cant wait until I launch to get loads ready to fly. They will look great all sitting together.
Wedding Fairs:
Have visited quite a few now finding out what the competition is doing and also what they are all about. I have to say that I found them to be quite poorly attended (unless they were at a tremendously prestigious venue). I am beginning to feel that I do not want to waste my money using them as a means of getting my offer in front of Brides.
Business Cards:
50 have been printed and I am rapidly getting through them and can see I will be ordering more before too long and I think I need to add my twitter and Facebook details for devoted on there as well.
Trying to open a  new business bank account but am struggling to get my chosen bank to actually set up an account. I have visited twice and have been sent three copies of the same 'setting up an account' booklet - but still I have no new account. I will try another bank.
I met with a rep from Pure Wedding World and have decided that I would like to join the and become one of their preferred suppliers. I like the idea of them being - what in effect is - an agent for me. Finding brides and pointing them my way. They also offer a guarantee - something I cannot get from a wedding fair. I believe my money is best spent in this direction - more info will follow as this develops and evolves.
The Devoted website is underway - I need to do lots of work getting images and words on there. In the meantime there is a holding page. I should have it ready for the New Year launch - but I am sure it will be live before then.
Presentation Book:
Over the last few weeks I have been developing my skills and learning the techniques to make hard back books. My idea is when I hand over images to the newly weds that their CD is presented in a unique way - snuggled up in a book with key images from their wedding on the pages. I am almost there with my ideas and over the weekend took receipt of some double sided paper. This week I shall make another mock-up of the idea and see if I am happy with it.

Am loving developing this idea

Well that's it for now - and having written it all down I can now see that I have done quite a bit of work.

Note to self: Always best to do these updates from HQ computer :-)

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Blooming computers

I had written a frankly spiffing update for you on Sunday - but the computer I was using crashed moments before I hit the 'publish' button. grrrr
Ah well - I shall endeavour to do the update later this afternoon.

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